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Army Downsizing Testimony at Hale Koa Hotel

The following footage covers the initial segment of the Oahu Army downsizing listening session at the Hale Koa Hotel this past Tuesday, January 27. The testimony started off with introductory comments from the Army and a Hawaiian prayer, followed with testimony by Governor David Ige and politician after politician, all against downsizing with no exceptions. No opportunity was afforded for any of the non-politician audience members to speak. It was politicians first. After listening politely, much of the audience lost patience and let their displeasure be known at the 1 hour 45 second mark. The Army had announced that the session would run until 9 pm and it was becoming obvious that the more the one-sided politicians talked, the less the audience members would be able to make their voices heard.

As it subsequently turned out, the Army graciously allowed everyone in the audience to speak, running the session until nearly midnight, three hours past its scheduled termination. All on the Army panel listened attentively throughout even as the hour crept toward midnight and they'd been sitting in the same chair without a break for five and a half hours. Their conduct at all times was exemplary, even when the Army was being raked over the coals by a testifier.

Click here for Part 2 of the listening session. The empty chairs are those of politicians who had departed by this time. The entire session, nearly 5 1/2 hours, is not entirely covered in the two-part video shown here. Hawaii Political Info hopes to make that available at a later time.