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What the UN Climate Accord in Paris Really Means

The New American

December 13, 2015

by Alex Newman

PARIS — After two weeks of negotiations at the United Nations COP21 global-warming summit, governments and dictatorships from around the world agreed to a massive deal to shackle the planet in the name of saving it. Among other goals, the pseudo-treaty aims to restructure the global economy, completely phase out cheap and abundant energy sources over the coming decades, redistribute the wealth of Western taxpayers to Third World regimes, and empower the UN to oversee a planetary “climate” regime. Imaging themselves to be Masters of the Universe despite the failure of every single UN “climate” model, the parties to the agreement even purported to decide that global temperatures would not rise above two degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels.

Under the guise of saving humanity from the “gas of life,” as scientists refer to the beneficial gas carbon dioxide, the new international agreement purports to require comprehensive monitoring and tracking of CO2 emissions across the Western world. Over the coming years and decades, the UN agreement also purports to mandate radical reductions in those emissions, essentially shackling humanity — and especially the world's poor — in order to allegedly “save” it. To reduce man's CO2 “footprint,” governments also vowed to funnel huge amounts of wealth into expensive and unreliable so-called “green” energy (think Solyndra).

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