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Dr. Hatim Kanaaneh Remembers the Nakba

Hatim Kanaaneh, M.D., spoke at Revolution Books in Moiliili last evening as part of his winter book tour. He is an Arab citizen of Israel and an author. Years ago he attended the University of Hawaii, where he met his wife, then went on to Harvard, where he earned his M.D. He is now retired and keeps busy writing.

His books include A Doctor in Galilee: The Life and Struggle of a Palestinian in Israel and his newestChief Complaint.

YouTube introduction:

Sep 8, 2015

In this video Dr. Kanaaneh recounts what happened to his family, friends and neighboring communities in Galilee during the Nakba or "Day of Catastrophe" when his boyhood home was invaded by the Israeli army. For Palestinians, Nakba is an annual day on which they remember their displacement that culminated with Israel's 1948 declaration of independence.