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Former PRP Staffer Blows the Whistle

HPI note: Pacific Resource Partnership (PRP) has spent millions on ads attacking former Hawaii governor Ben Cayetano, who is running against Kirk Caldwell for Honolulu mayor. PRP is a trade-union group affiliated with the local carpenters union, which apparently expects to benefit handsomely from Rail. Cayetano says he will stop Rail if elected. Caldwell will go forward with Rail if elected.

Honolulu Weekly

As election day nears, a former insider at Pacific Resource Partnership (PRP), the pro-rail PAC, has come clean about the group’s venal and possibly illegal tactics. Coincidentally, as this story was going to press, Former Gov. Ben Cayetano, the target of PRP’s relentless (and discredited) campaign, announced that he was suing the PAC, its executive director, John White, and its parent organization, the carpenters’ union, for libel and slander.

PRP commercials alleging that Cayetano violated campaign contributions law when he ran for governor have been refuted by many, including Bob Watada, who was then-executive director of the State Campaign Spending Commission (CSC). But the unsavory PAC and its partner, I Mua Rail, continue to saturate the airwaves and Star-Advertiser pages with misleading ads.

To keep big (and anonymous) money from stealing Honolulu’s election, the Weekly obtained an exclusive interview with Justin Hahn, a former PRP employee anguished by what he saw and bravely willing to go on the record.

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