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Did Jews Bring U.S. into WWII?

David Irving, a British historian who appears to place accuracy above political correctness, says that from 1936 Winston Churchill was bought and paid for by a Jewish-dominated group. From that time he turned publicly anti-Nazi and anti-German. His rather dismal political fortunes quickly changed and he became Prime Minister of Britain in 1940.

Once Churchill was Prime Minister, Chaim Weizmann, a leading Zionist of the time who became the first President of Israel, wrote Churchill in a 1941 letter that there was only one big ethnic group in the U.S. that was willing to stand "to a man" with Great Britain — the Jews. They could bring the U.S. into WWII, as they had "effectively helped" do in WWI, he wrote. The price: allowing the creation of a Jewish army in the Middle East.


Group brags about wrecking David Irving talk in Minneapolis. His books and DVDs were trashed by the 60-strong group. [One People's Project] Nov 24, 2012

Chaim Weizmann's letter to Winston Churchill, September 10, 1941 [Real History]