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Preview Your Ballot!

Casting informed votes takes time beforehand. Boost your voting efficiency by getting a sample ballot for your district and precinct.

Here's how you do it. Go to the state Office of Elections home page:

Scroll down until you see the blue bar that says "2014 Polling Place Locator." The first item under the bar is "Polling Place Locator - English." Click on that.

The new page starts off with "Find your polling place!". Scroll down a tad until you see the fill-in-the-blanks on the left-hand side. Either fill in those blanks or choose your precinct from the "Select a Precinct" pop-up menu.

Once that's done, your pertinent voting information, such as polling place and senate district will appear on the right. Below that you will see "Sample Ballot." Choose your preferred language, then click the "View Ballot" button to the right of it.

The sample ballot for your neighborhood will appear. It's a great reference for doing your homework and casting an informed vote.

For starters, check out the information in the "2014 Elections block at the right-hand top of this page. There's a wealth of information behind every link. Next, check out the "Events" block at the top left-hand corner of this page. These events are your opportunity to learn more about Hawaii candidates, government and issues.

Below the Events block is the "Helpful Links" block. The links at the top are what HPI considers the most useful ones, followed by other helpful links. Here you'll find links to the Hawaii State Office of Elections, how to find your state senator and representative ("Rep & senator, Find your HI"), alternative news sites, how to write the U.S. President, the U.S. and Hawaii constitutions, and more.