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U.S. Rep. Takai Joined Freshmen Colleagues on Free Propaganda Trip to Israel


by Ben Norton

August 3, 2015

The American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF), the educational wing of hardline right-wing pro-Israel lobbying organization the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), is taking all but three freshmen US House Representatives on a tour of Israel, in hopes of turning them against the Iran nuclear deal.

Over 50 US congresspeople will meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu in Israel in August.

Two separate trips are being organized along partisan lines—one for Democrats, and another for Republicans.

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List of Democratic Reps Who Took AIPAC-Paid Trip to Israel [Hawaii Political Info] (Codepink pdf)

Israelis tell 22 House Democrats on visit there just how bad they think Iran nukes deal is. [The Washington Post] Aug 12, 2015

Freshmen Reps Colleen Hanabusa & Tulsi Gabbard join Israel junket in 2013 [Honolulu Civil Beat] Aug 12, 2013

Jewish Lobby Spends Millions on “Free Trips” to Israel for US Congressmen [David Duke] Sep 29, 2013

Jews, Israel & Zionism [Hawaii Political Info] (Collection of articles & stories)