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Djou Slams Mainland Democratic Group's Attack Ads

May 2010 U.S. Congress Special Election

The Mainland-based Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), worried about a Djou win, launching attack ads

The Honolulu Advertiser

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Honolulu City Councilman Charles Djou said yesterday that new campaign advertisements against him by national Democrats are an "outside interference" in the special election for Congress and should be rejected by voters.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which helps elect Democrats nationally, has paid for ads in Hawai'i that criticize the Republican Djou for signing a pledge by an anti-tax group promising that he would not vote to raise taxes.

The ad claims the pledge means Djou would "protect tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas."

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Charles Djou the Target of Dirty Politics [HPI]

ATR: DCCC’s attack on Djou, Claims about the Taxpayer Protection Pledge ‘False’ [Hawaii Free Press] Apr 7, 2010